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7 ideas for keeping busy in a rental van when it rains

October 29, 2022

7 ideas for keeping busy in a rental van when it rains

Holidays in general, and van hire in particular, make us particularly dependent on the weather! But rain is not inevitable and here are some ideas to turn this little inconvenience into a memorable experience

#1 : Keep your head busy: reading / film / music

When it's cold and wet outside, unfold the bottom bunk of the campervan. And crawl under the duvet or a blanket with a good book.

With the family? We all squeeze into the campervan! And it's perfectly possible to replace the book with a computer or tablet and watch a series or film together!

WeVan Tip: Take the opportunity to (re)discoverthe WeVan Drive Your Adventure playlists on Deezer!

Relaxation activity and film in a van

#2 : Keeping your hands busy: drawing / manual activity

To limit your screen time and let your thoughts wander, don't hesitate to get out your favourite creative material! Drawing, crocheting, knitting and other creations to decorate your campervan during the holidays... all manual activities conducive to calm and meditation.

With the family? The atmosphere may be more agitated but just as creative!

#3 : Keep the gourmands busy: cooking and tasting on board the van / finding a delicious tea room in the area

Whether in the van or in a restaurant, satisfying your taste buds is always a great source of comfort! And thanks to the equipment in your van rental, cooking is child's play! Unfold the table, unfold the roof, choose a recipe and take out all the ingredients! And off you go!

WeVan Tip: we recommend downloading Frigo Magic! This application allows you to find the recipe adapted to the contents of your fridge / cupboards and your equipment! The perfect gourmet ally!

Kitchen activity in a campervan

#4 : Keep the curious busy: take the opportunity to visit a monument, a cave, a museum

The advantage of a campervan is that it is just as easy to drive on small mountain roads as it is to drive through towns and tourist sites! Is it raining? No problem! Let's take advantage of it to get closer to a town or a place of interest to visit a cave, a museum or a monument!

#5 : Keep young and old busy: play a board game / run in the rain and jump in puddles!

You're lucky, we live in a time when most board games come in a compact travel size! This is important when you travel in a van and every cubic centimetre counts! So make the most of it and think about taking a few boxes of games with you on your van holiday! Rain or shine, in the evening for example, these are always great moments to share! 

And for the children's souls, put on your boots and oilskins, and get out! Jump in the puddles, walk, run, or even sing in the rain... anything goes!

WeVan Tip: Use a box or basket to leave wet shoes at the "entrance" of the van.

Rainy day: activities in a campervan

#6 : Keep the nostalgic busy: sort out the photos on your smartphone or camera / write down and record all your memories in a logbook, alone or with others.

As we all know, if we don't sort out our favourite photos in our smartphone, we soon find ourselves overwhelmed and unable to find them easily. The same goes for memories and highlights of your travels!

So finally, when it rains, it's the perfect opportunity to sit comfortably in the campervan and organise your digital photo album and/or record on paper all the stages and emotions that have accompanied you since the beginning of your road trip.

As a family? Filling in a travel diary is a great way to look back together at the programme of each day, and to find out how everyone got through it. Everyone can write or draw their own version. And in a few years' time, everyone will enjoy reopening the time capsule!

#7 : Keep the brave ones busy: get equipped and go out to brave the elements!

Are you a fan of the great outdoors? So whether it's drizzling, raining or windy, nothing will stop you from exploring the surrounding nature!

Luckily for you, outdoor equipment nowadays allows you to comfortably cope with all weather conditions! All the more daring among you need to do is to anticipate and equip yourself before leaving, so that in all seasons, the elements do not thwart your plans!


Article rédigé par Clémence

Crédits photos : @lesvoyagesdetao @atypix @fabienvoileau

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