Hire a campervan on the banks of the Loire: zoom on our client's road trip
December 15, 2022

Who said it was impossible to travel in a van with children?
Well, certainly not Camille and JC! After several long stays, they tried a weekend in a campervan with a lifting roof tent to accommodate everyone. Almost two months after their return from this experience, they tell us...
Campervan : Family road trip along the Loire
"Here we are at the end of October with beautiful autumnal temperatures, the opportunity to share some nice moments with the family and to discover the flora and fauna of our region by hiring a campervan in Angers.
The impatient children are waiting for us to arrive with the campervan. They are already ready. As they say: "we have prepared our play bag". So we get on board and the kids put their stuff in the various wardrobes that the van offers us. "No, no, the roof tent is not for now! Opening it remains their favourite moment.
First stop in Chalonnes
"We parked the van very easily on the banks of the Loire for a nice bike ride.
A snack break and we took out the binoculars to observe the beauty of the Loire. The drinks are fresh thanks to the practical fridge and just enough for this mini trip.
A few hours later, we set off again. Mission, to find a spot to spend the end of the day and the night. Windows open, hair blowing in the wind, we are happy! The marvellous is in the simplest things. We take the country roads, what's the point of being in a campervan if not to discover the landscape! Always as much pleasure to drive!
After having crossed some pretty houses, we arrive at the end of a small road. Alone in the world, we discover a small beach on the edge of the Loire which seems to be there only for us.
"The sunset is here. It's the perfect time to get out the little aperitif board.
With their feet in the sand, children are taught how to make ricochets and listen to the fauna fall asleep or wake up for certain animals!
After a quick but very effective shower in the back of the van hire, we open the camper van's roof tent for evening reading, lying comfortably with a great view of the Loire."
Day 2: Heading for the heritage in a campevan
"The night was soft and quiet... who would have bothered us here anyway! With a 5-seater campervan, comfort is the order of the day, ideal for a family to have their own sleeping space.
Before leaving, we take advantage of the equipment of our campervan to offer ourselves a breakfast like at home! Coffee for the adults, chocolate for the children, toast and cereals; we don't lose our good habits!"
"It's a nice day, Dad takes the table out to telework for an hour before we start this second day together. During this time, we enjoy the landscape and the calm! The colours that nature offers us are so beautiful. We take out the board games, we read, we laugh and then we pack up! It's finally time to get back on the road!
Second stop in the village of Béhuard to visit its heritage!
We set up on a small car park at the entrance of the village to prepare the lunch. We quickly found our marks in the kitchenette!
After the meal, we sneak into the heart of Béhuard with our all-terrain van! We even managed to pass through the small streets of this just adorable village. It must be said that JC had an excellent co-pilot!"
Three days in a campervan hire
"Here we are, the third and last day of this campervan hire. We take the road for a last stop in the vineyards of Chaudefonds-sur-Layon. We take the opportunity to take out the camera and immortalize all the love of this family stay... and to have a last snack too!
This mini road trip in a campervan allowed us to spend time together and create great family memories in a simple way."
It is always a pleasure to relive your adventures with you in our vans hire.
Thank you very much for sharing these few days on the banks of the Loire with us! We also hope, dear readers, that the story of this mini road trip in the region of Angers will have pleased you and will have made you want to share moments in a campervan between young and old!
Article written by Clémence based on the comments of Camille x JC's family, our super clients.
Photo credits : @atypix
Further reading
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