Alike many other outdoor activities, the fishing world and the campervan trip is a match made in heaven. And the wilder and more remote the place you practice it, the happier the wedding !
If we keep shoving the concept of campervan fishing weekend in your face like an appealing plump fluorescent streamer on a period of dearth, it’s because we at WeVan are not completely impartial on the matter… Two or three maggots in our crew, true fishing devotees since childhood and genuine amateurs of campervan wanderings, quickly understood that mixing and shaking these two ingredients could make for quite a tasty cocktail. A cocktail we would like to share and offer on our campervan weekends’ menu!
Pour vous partager quelques bonnes idées nous nous sommes rapprochés de notre ami et maître en la matière, Simon Scodavolpe rédacteur en chef de Truites & Cie, avec qui nous avons sélectionné un réseau de guides de pêches de haute-volée. Spécialistes renommés et reconnus pour leurs qualités techniques et humaines, comme pour leur amour de leurs régions respectives, ils vous accompagnent dans votre quête de beaux poissons.

About the advantages of renting a campervan to go fishing
The campervan or the art of geostrategy
The campervan allows you to sleep on site, in the « reactor core », to slip on your waders at daybreak, walk a few metres and start fishing. It’s no longer a problem if the river of your dreams is far from everything, on the contrary, you sleep on the spot!
The campervan or the art of the support base
In our rental campervans, you can take a break and have a snack, make yourself a hot coffee or allow yourself a quick nap. When the night comes, you can recount your adventures over a drink and a quick game of cards, while the dinner is simmering on the stove. Later in the night, you can’t resist going out and gazing at the river at the moonlight. Then you go sleeping, rocked by the sounds of water.
The campervan or the art of prospecting
The campervan’s small size allows you to explore easily even the most winding areas and, if you feel like exploring a river from spring to mouth, it will drive you smoothly from one site to another !